Awaken to a Judaism that will infuse your life with purpose and meaning! Come hear speakers, the movers and shakers in the Jewish world, who have undergone spiritual journeys that will inspire and excite your hearts, minds and souls.


We thank the family of the late Jacques, Florence and Harold Levine for their generosity and kindness.


This series is FREE and open to the entire community.

The Levine Speaker Series Presents
Professor Shai Davidai

"Cultivating Courage on Campus & The Fight for Civil Rights"


Professor Davidai is leading the fight calling out Jew hatred and anti-Israel rhetoric on campus.

Shai Davidai

"Cultivating Courage on Campus & The Fight for Civil Rights"

Michael Soberman

Building Tomorrow's Jewish Community Today

Yonah Jeremy Bob

"Israel Under Attack on All Fronts"

Levine Speaker Series 2022

The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County hosted attornet Neta Hanien on Saturday February 5, 2022. With an Israeli Arab business partner, Neta founded Juha's, the backpackers social hostel, which turned the poorest Israeli Arab town into a popular tourist destination and has been selected as the "Best Social Business" by Bank Hapoalim.

The program was sponsored by a grant from the family of the late Harold Levine, to enhance spiritual connections and understanding throughout Orange County

The Jewish Federation hosted Rabbi David Levin on March 6th via Zoom.

Rabbi David knows everyone has a sacred story worth sharing. This is at the heart of meaning-making. Rabbi David founded Jewish Relationships Initiative to serve as a teacher and guide to develop self-awareness and nurture relationships throughout one’s life including the end-of-life challenges. He serves on the Disaster Spiritual Care Team of the Red Cross, and the Association of Jewish Chaplains.  

Watch Rabbi David Levin here or on Vimeo here.

Levine Speaker Series 2021

The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County hosted speaker Rabbi Margie Cella on Sunday, December 19 2021. A convert to Judaism with a tumultuous religious past, who was recently ordained as a Rabbi as a 2nd career, Rabbi Cella spoke openly about her experience with the slippery slope of religious extremism and provided a cautionary tale for people from all faiths. She talked about how her connection to Conservative Judaism grew from her teachings in Christianity, and how she truly appreciates the opportunity to question, and grapple with, what the Hebrew bible teaches, as part of her path of learning and growing. She became a Rabbi in her 60’s and quips that at her ordination, she truly was able to give a “senior” speech!

The program was sponsored by a grant from the family of the late Harold Levine, to enhance spiritual connections and understanding throughout Orange County

Watch Rabbi Cella here or on youtube here.