
19 2024

Under Fire: with Gil Hoffman

4:00PM - 5:30PM  

Monroe Temple Beth El 314 N. Main St
Monroe, NY 10950

Under Fire:

An Insider's Look at the Fight for Israel in the Media

Sunday, May 19th 4PM (Doors open at 3:45pm

Please RSVP to Monroe Temple 845-783-2626 or

You are invited to join in the community-wide discussion with Gil Hoffman, Executive Director of HonestReporting. Its mission is to promote a healthy democracy which requires a well-informed cizentry. HonestReporting works to ensure truth, integrity, and fairness, and to combat ideological bias in journalism and the media, as it impacts Israel.

Gil Hoffman is a regular analyst on CNN, Al Jazeera, and other news outlets and is well-connected to both Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Gil was a chief political correspondant and analyst for the Jerusalem Post for 24 years.

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