Please join us as we honor Corey Goodwin as Temple Sinai Men’s Club’s Youth of The Year. This remarkable young man is an inspiration to all who know him at Temple Sinai. Please join us in recognizing his accomplishments and all he does for Temple Sinai and our Men’s club. Corey's bio is below:
My name is Corey Goodwin. I will be 16 in March of 2018 and am currently in the 10th grade at Middletown High School.
I have severe Auditory Processing Disorder with a speech delay and ADHD. I also did not walk or talk as the other kids during my 2 year old checkup. My parents sprang into action and took a strong involvement to get me the help I needed. Early intervention came to our house and then I went to a special school called George Robinson where I received speech and vision services, occupational and physical therapy. I have been placed in special education classes for the rest of my school time.
At Middletown High School, I am an honor roll student. My favorite subject is math. After school I am involved with a group called GirTech. We work behind the scenes of the school plays and musicals. It is fun to work the lights, the curtains and ushering. I plan to go back to the track team in the spring.
I went through Hebrew School and had a Bar Mitzvah at Temple Sinai. Currently, I am in the Hebrew High School for my last year before I get Confirmed, and my picture goes on the wall.
When not studying for my Confirmation, I help a student with special needs accomplish his Hebrew school work. I also help with the communal snack for the Hebrew School students.
I help the Men’s Club with some of their projects. I love working the cash register, cooking and greeting Temple members and friends. While at the Temple, I volunteer for a program called Roots. This involves helping Jewish adults with special needs. We give them a chance to be in the Temple together having fun, singing songs and learning Jewish services.
During the summer, I work as a counselor in training and an Art helper at camp. I love being outside all day playing games and teaching children how to have fun and being creative without electronics.
I want to thank my parents, my brother, my teachers and all my friends for helping me get to where I am today. I also want to thank the Temple Sinai Men’s Club for this honor as their selection for Youth-of-the-Year 2018.