
29 2020

Supermarket Sweep CANCELED

8:30AM - 9:00AM  

Shop Rite Dolson Avenue
Middletown, NY 10940

Contact Temple Sinai

It will be an exciting and financially rewarding event.

Come to Shoprite on Dolson Avenue and wear your comfortable running shoes. You will have 3 minutes to load your shopping cart and  gather as many groceries as possible .

In order to participate you will need to purchase tickets. Tickets price will be $10 each or 3 for $25 . Major Credit Cards will be accepted.

You can purchase a ticket at  Temple Sinai ,75 Highland Avenue, Middletown, NY or call Temple Sinai at  845-343-1861 from Monday to Thursday ,9 AM to 5 PM for more information .

The Drawing for the winning ticket will be held on Sunday, March 22,2020 at the Temple Sinai Murder Mystery Dinner .

Winners will be notified by phone and e-mail.

There are a limited amount of tickets so purchase your tickets as soon as possible