From the New York Times to Donald Trump, everyone has an opinion and on Climate Change. As Dan Pogue of CBS puts it, “You've got the scientists going "Burning fossil fuels heats the atmosphere. Record temperatures. Extreme weather!"
And then you've got the skeptics going, "Don't be silly! The Earth has always had warming cycles. Human activity has nothing to do with it."
And on Sunday, December 20th at 9AM, The Men’s Action Club is honored to have Adam Kalkstein, Associate Professor at the United States Military Academy aka West Point speak on this topic, too.
Dr. Adam Kalkstein is a climate scientist with research interests focusing on climate change and human health. Dr. Kalkstein received his B.A. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Geography/Climatology from Arizona State University. Current research projects include a three-year National Research Council / U.S. Army Research Laboratory study examining the impact of cool, dry air on influenza in the southwest United States. Other projects include an examination of heat on U.S. Soldiers, the impact of weather and climate on suicide rates across the United States, and fluctuating tropical cyclone patterns in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Recently, Dr. Kalkstein was selected by the World Meteorological Organization to serve on a Commission for Climatology expert team. Further, Dr. Kalkstein served as subject matter expert for an Army Science Board climate change study and acted as an official U.S. government reviewer for the recent IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Working Group II. Dr. Kalkstein teaches Climatology and Physical Geography.