
1 2016

Prayer Breakfast

7:00AM - 9:00AM  

Air National Guard Base 2 Maguire Way
Newburgh, NY

 Each year the Air National Guard Base hosts a prayer breakfast.  This year the speaker is Rabbi Freedman's rabbinical school roommate and now president of Hebrew Union College (their seminary), Rabbi Richard Jacobs.  It would be great if you could attend.  Tickets cost $5.00.  Breakfast begins at 7:00 AM. The program will begin at 7:30 AM and done by 9:00. Rabbi Freedman has tickets in his office.  To get on base (just past OC Choppers on 17K), he will need to give your name to security in advance and you'll need gov't ID (driver's license). Rabbi Jacobs will be talking about engaging prayer from the Jewish sources.