
26 2015

Middletown Hadassah Presents Author June Trop

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

Soho Grill 14 Crystal Run Crossing
Middletown, NY, NY 10940

Contact Monica Ostrow

Middletown Hadassah presents Author June Trop at the Soho Grill (14 Crystal Run Crossing), 12 noon talking about her first book "The Deadliest Lie" Get a glimpse of the life of First Century Jews living under Roman Rule. Learn about her lead character Miriam Bat Isaac, an alchemist and sleuth. Enjoy a delicious pareve lunch. Win a 30 dollar gift certificate for dinner at the Soho Grill. Your 36 dollar contribution will honor the memory of Keeper of the Gate,Jacques Levine with a brick in his name at Hadassah Hospital. All chapters in the Orange County Area are invited to attend.

Sponsor: Middletown Chapter of Hadassah, Soho Grill, June Trop