IGNITE YOUR SOUL---Free and open to ALL-BUT YOU MUST RSVP 562 7860
Saturday December 17, 2016 7pm TEMPLE SINAI Middletown
“The Search for Cracks in the City of Stone: An Anatomy of the Struggles for Pluralism in Modern Jerusalem”
Anat Hoffman is one of the great heroes in the struggle for religious rights for all Jews in Israel.
As Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center she leads the fight to:
* Secure unequivocal state recognition, funding, and equal status for Reform and Conservative rabbis, synagogues and institutions.
* Oppose gender segregation and the exclusion of women from the public sphere.
*Combat racist incitement, particularly by public and religious figures who use Jewish sources to incite to racist actions and intolerance.
* Protect the rights of all converts to make aliya and enjoy equal rights in Israel.
* Secure freedom of choice in marriage and equal rights in divorce for all Israelis.
As Chair of the Board for Women of the Wall, she has led the struggle for women to have access to pray at the Kotel, the Western Wall.
This program for the entire community is being sponsored by THE LEVINE FAMILY SPEAKER SERIES IN MEMORY of Florence, Jacques and Harold Levine, the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County.