
17 2021

JBC Author Howard Blum

4:00PM - 6:00PM  


Contact Sharon Ball
845 562 7860

Howard Blum is the author of The New York Times best­seller and Edgar Award win­ner Amer­i­can Light­ning as well as Want­ed!, The Gold of Exo­dus, Gang­land, The Floor of Heav­en, and most recent­ly a 2018 New York Times Notable Book, In the Enemy’s House. While at The New York Times, he was twice nom­i­nat­ed for a Pulitzer Prize for inves­tiga­tive report­ing. He is the father of three chil­dren and lives in Connecticut.


Night of the Assas­sins: The Untold Sto­ry of Hitler’s Plot to Kill FDR, Churchill, and Stalin

It’s 1943 and the three Allied lead­ers — Franklin D. Roo­sevelt, Win­ston Churchill, and Joseph Stal­in — are meet­ing for the first time at a top-secret con­fer­ence in Tehran. But the Nazis have learned about the meet­ing and Hitler sees it as his last chance to turn the tide. Although the war is undoubt­ed­ly lost, the Ger­mans believe that per­haps a new set of Allied lead­ers might be will­ing to make a more rea­son­able peace in its after­math. And so a plan is devised — code name Oper­a­tion Long Jump — to assas­si­nate FDR, Churchill, and Stal­in. A hand-picked team of Nazi com­man­dos is assem­bled, trained, and armed with spe­cial weapons and para­chut­ed into Iran. They have six days to com­plete the dar­ing assign­ment before the states­men will return home. With no mar­gin for error, Mike Reil­ly, the head of FDR’s Secret Ser­vice detail — a man who describes him­self as ​“an Irish cop with more mus­cle than brains” — must over­come his sus­pi­cions to work with a Sovi­et agent from the NKVD (the pre­cur­sor to the KGB) to save the three most pow­er­ful men in the world.