
24 2021

JBC Author Avram Mlotek

4:00PM - 6:00PM  


Contact Sharon Ball
845 562 7860

Avram Mlotek is a rab­bi, can­tor, actor, and writer. A grand­child of Holo­caust refugees and Yid­dish cul­tur­al icons, he has been named as one of ​“Amer­i­ca’s Most Inspir­ing Rab­bis” by The For­ward (and that was before he co-offi­ci­at­ed a wed­ding with Jus­tice Ruth Bad­er Gins­burg.) He is a founder of Base, an inter­na­tion­al home-cen­tered min­istry that works with mil­len­ni­al Jews world­wide, where he serves as Direc­tor of Spir­i­tu­al Life.


Why Jews Do That or 30 Ques­tions Your Rab­bi Nev­er Answered is your one-stop shop for answers to all the ques­tions you had about Judaism, but were too shy or afraid to ask. Writ­ten by Avram Mlotek, a rab­bi work­ing with mil­len­ni­als, this isn’t just for the Jews among us. Just because you’re Catholic, Mus­lim, Hin­du, Bud­dhist or the like does­n’t mean you can­not enjoy an inside look to find out if mar­i­jua­na is kosher, whether Jews have con­fes­sion like Catholics and so much more. Like the Bible, this book has five fun­da­men­tal sec­tions: Time, Props, Pur­pose, Grub, and God. Each ques­tion in this book is accom­pa­nied by a response, a fun fact (often tan­gen­tial­ly relat­ed), as well as a ​“Jew, say wha?” quote where famous Jew­ish ideas and wise wiz­ards are ref­er­enced. With car­toon illus­tra­tions by Faby Rodriguez and Jen­ny Young, this cof­fee-table book is sure to bring out more ques­tions for the devout fol­low­er, casu­al observ­er, or some­one mar­ry­ing into the faith. Bot­tom line: this book is for you, who­ev­er Jew are. Ask away!