
14 2013

Adult Wellness Workshop

10:30AM - 12:00PM  

Beth Hillel Congregation 20 Pine Street
Walden, NY 12586

Contact Marjorie Sweet
mchasek@gmail.com <mchasek@gmail.com>

BETH HILLEL WALDEN JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER 20 PINE STREET WALDEN NEW YORK 12586 (845) 778-7374 Contact Marjorie Sweet 845-744-6390 FREE OPEN TO ALL ADULT WELLNESS WORKSHOP OPEN THE POSSIBILITIES FOR YOUR HEALTH. SUNDAY APRIL 14TH 10:30AM Walden Jewish Community Center. Open forum on the following topics; Nutritional Counseling, Fitness, Wellness programs, Naturopathic & Homeopathic solutions, evaluations and help maintaining their program, diabetes prevention, or who simply need advice on there wellness. PRESENTED BY; Northern Manhattan Sports Medicine D. Secreto Certified Wellness Coach Free handouts, group discussion, fun participation and tons of information. 3 raffles to enter, no cost just sign up at the door to win the following; 45 min in home massage therapy, hands feet, back. 30 min in home personal health evaluation, to set a wellness program in your life, all vitals including blood pressure, weight, strength, nutrition. 45 min in home Yoga session for stress relief (will be adjusted to care/age)