2 NYC yeshivas are not meeting standards and must effectively close, state rules
Welcome to the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County
Since 1977, the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County has been working to build a strong Jewish community that enriches people’s lives, helps those in need, and embraces all Jewish families. With member support, our recipient organizations in Orange County help thousands of people here at home and through the Jewish Federations of North America, aid Jewish communities at risk in Israel and around the world.
Federation office hours vary. If you call and get no answer, please email director@jewishorangeny.org
Stand Together With Israel
Shalom Federation Community,
As we learned on the news, Hamas launched a war with Israel that has quickly become the most serious security breach since the Yom Kippur War 50 years ago. Many Israelis have already been killed and hundreds hospitalized. Jewish Federations of North America stands in complete solidarity with Israel and Eric Fingerhut, JFNA President and CEO, is currently in Israel. JFNA is coordinating with the Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the Israel Trauma Coalition, as they prepare to provide the critical care and support to those affected. JFNA has opened an emergency fund to support these efforts. Use this link if you wish to donate to this fund: https://jfeds.org/israelfund2023
Jewish in OC Micro-Grants
The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County is excited to announce our first ever round of Jewish in OC Micro-Grants!
Goals: The goal of this program is to bring out new ideas in the Orange County Jewish community which will bring the community together, connect people to the community, positively impact the community, and help the community learn and grow together.
Your legacy can support any of these
Orange County Life & Legacy Community Partners:
Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County | Congregation Eitz Chaim |
Jewish Family Service of |
Monroe Temple Beth-El |
Newburgh Jewish Community Center | Temple Beth Jacob |
Congregation Agudas Israel | Temple Beth Shalom |
Congregation Beth Hillel | Temple Sinai |
Congregation B’nai Torah |
Jewish Experience Scholarships
Need-based scholarships to Jewish families residing in Greater Orange County for Jewish educational programs and experiences including Religious School/Hebrew School at Federation-affiliated synagogues, youth group conventions including USY, NFTY, BBYO, Young Judea, and Hadassah, and other Jewish Experiences upon approval by the Scholarship Committee. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.